Notebook Network

These instructions concern the Notebook Network / WLAN of the institute. Please use Eduroam/BayernWLAN for normal network usage.

Using the Notebook-Gateways is easy:

  1. Connect your notebook using on of the dedicated notebook network cables or connect to WiFi ifi_cip_new (password ifi_cip_new_pw).

  2. Set your network card to use DHCP (Windows: “IP Adresse automatic”, DNS automatic in TCP/IP-Options; Linux: depends on ditribution and card)

  3. simply open a SSL-capable Web-Browser and navigate to a random web page.

  4. You will be redirected to the gateways login page automatically. There you need to authenticate yourself using your CIP account and password. Should this not work please call up the wep page directly in your browser:
    • In the room Luna:
    • Otherwise:
  5. You will configure your firewall settings during the next step. This helps protect your laptop from the internet out there.
    • Maximale Sicherheit (maximum security): blocks all connections from the net to your computer. Your notebook has full access to the Internet and the CIP-Pool. This is usually the best option”
    • CIP-Pool/MWN erlaubt (allow CIP-Pool/MWN): allows access to your computer from the CIP-Pools or the “Münchner Wissenschaftsnetz”. This is usefull if you are running your own server during a coding excercise for example.
    • Voller Zugriff (full access): the gateway does not impede access to your computer in any way. You are responsible for securing your computer yourself.
  6. In the final step you will be shown your config options (IP-address and network name)
  7. Network access is now active.
